e School of Medicine, Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH) and the Athena Research Center (ATHENARC) and in accordance with the Regulation of Studies (FEK 7071/31-12-2022 B’) calls:
- Graduates of the Departments of Medicine, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Biology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Biological Applications and Technologies, and other related Departments of domestic universities, ATEIs of the country or corresponding recognized cognate institutions abroad, as defined by the Ministry of Education and Religions.
- Graduates of Departments of Informatics, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Production and Management Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and other related Departments of universities, ATEIs of the country or corresponding recognized cognate institutions abroad, as defined by the Ministry of Education and Religions.
who are interested in being admitted to the Master’s Program to obtain a Postgraduate Diploma, to submit the relevant applications until Thursday, September 12, 2024.
More information on the official call and the application form is available here.